I NOTE with interest the comments in your newspaper by a Mr Briggs of Heysham Neighbourhood Council (Citizen: April 8) on the car boot sale chaos in the village at Easter.

Can Mr Briggs explain to village residents the following:

1. What on earth has 20 shops in Marlborough Road closing down got to do with a residential village?

2. the high-handedness of his committee who took over the council's pay and display car park for the car boot sale? and...

3. ...the failure of the committee to inform police of the scale of the event. It should be evident to anyone in the village during the last week that villagers do not want the car boot sale.

Mr Briggs says it will be discussed at the next committee meeting but at public meetings Mr Briggs has little time for anybody whose views differ from the council line.

For any local election candidate looking to win in Heysham that candidate should speak to the residents and then put a stop to this commercial venture which causes major problems for the residents and many visitors who come to the village as part of the National Trust - (these visitors come for heritage not a market ground!)

Try to sort out the youth problem who congregate in the village square/bus station.

The Neighbourhood council can't sort these problems out maybe a good local councillor can.

Heysham resident

Details supplied

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