CAMPAIGNING village residents have received a setback after councillors backed plans to build industrial units on land behind their homes in Guide.

But the final decision on the scheme, close to Blackamoor Road, will be made by the Government's North West office in Manchester.

Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors both spoke out against the plans saying that a housing estate had already been given permission in the Guide area, while a public inquiry would take place on a planned retail park in the summer.

Coun Paul Browne of the Liberal Democrats added: "I am disgusted that this area and the greenery in it is being taken over by either industrial units or housing.

"We are going to have no green belt left in this borough at the rate we are going. We should stand up and have the guts to say enough is enough." Tory Coun Fred Slater said: "This small village is losing its status and its pride. Surely the further traffic problems this will create in the area is reason enough to refuse this application."

Labour councillors accused opposition councillors of having voted for the M65 extension around Blackburn even though it had always been clear that there would be developments alongside it.

Coun Peter Greenwood said: "There was always going to be spin off points at the main industrial sites so vehicles could come off. To say we should never develop is just nonsense.

"We are going to need to attract investment to the area if all of our young people are going to get jobs. Yes, there is a downside for the people in the area but we have to look forward."

Councillors have insisted that the development should be more than 100 feet away from the back of the nearest homes on Blackamoor Road if the Government gives the scheme the final go-ahead.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.