IT was a fairytale come true.

Two young Kosovo sweethearts, torn apart by the war in the Balkans and reunited in Bury, ensured their love was everlasting when they married in the town on Monday.

Their dream day, organised by the Bury Times and backed by a host of caring local companies, attracted the full attention of the world's media.

German-based student Avni Latifi and Kosovar refugee Antigona Gashi exchanged their wedding vows at Bury Register Office in a ceremony conducted in both English and Albanian.

The young lovers then celebrated their wedding at a lavish reception at the Longfield Suite in Prestwich before the party moved back to the Geoffrey Kershaw Centre in Bury with guests dancing Kosovo style into the very early hours.

Avni and Antigona, meanwhile, were taken to the Bolholt Country Park Hotel for a night in the honeymoon suite. Tuesday afternoon ended in tears with Antigona returning to Bury after saying farewell to her new husband at Manchester Airport. Avni, 27, had to fly back to Germany to resume his studies and begin the long process of tackling red tape to allow his 19-year-old wife to join him in the near future.

Speaking through an interpreter, Avni said: "It was a magical day, the best of our lives. We never expected anything like this and we cannot thank the Bury Times enough for making this happen.

"I love Antigona very much and she deserved something special and that is what she got."

Antigona added: "I had a very happy day. It was a dream come true.

"I also must thank the Bury Times and all those companies who gave so much for two people they have never met. I will never forget what Bury has done for Avni and myself."

Julie Wheeler, Bury Times advertising executive, helped put together the couple's wedding day along with reporter Terry Morgan.

Julie said: "It was a true fairytale. The bride looked beautiful in her dress, which she has been allowed to keep by Esme Bridal Wear, and the couple were very handsome.

"This would not have been possible without the generosity of Bury's business community."

Terry added: "What takes other people months to organised, Julie and I managed to put together a wedding in just three days. That has to be something of a record, but one that I don't ever want to try and beat."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.