THE Trustees of the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel Trust are building a national memorial to commemorate the lives and sacrifice of all 255 Servicemen and three civilians who were killed in 1982 in the Falklands War.

The chapel - which is costing £2 million - is currently under construction at Pangbourne College in Berkshire and will be finished at the end of October.

The Trustees, who include Admiral Sir John 'Sandy' Woodward and several other Falklands Veterans, are keen to hear from any families who have not yet heard about the memorial chapel. They plan a Service of Dedication in November and would like to be able to invite all those wishing to come to attend.

Please write (stating your family connection) to the address below.

Mrs Angela Perry, Secretary to the Trustees, Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel, c/o Pangbourne College, Pangbourne, Reading, Berks RG8 8LA.

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