THE autobiography of Bill Alley is published by Empire Publications of Manchester.

This controversial book about test umpire and former Somerset Cricket legend Bill Alley was suppressed by the test and County Cricket Board in 1985.

Born in New South Wales, in 1919, Alley's ability at cricket saw him rise to play the sport at state level.

His move to Colne meant he became an outcast in Australia and eventually moved to Blackpool as professional. The book can be bought for £16.95.

You can win it by answering the following question:

What is the name of Blackpool's cricket ground?

Write your answer, with your name and address, on the back of a postcard or sealed envelope and send it to: Cricket competition, Citizen Newspaper, 3 Winckley Court, Winckley Square, Preston PR1 3JJ. The first correct answer drawn on July 2 will win the book.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.