UPSET Greens are annoyed about Xanadu inquiry and Kenyon Station appeal timing.

Leigh Greens claim confusion reigns and locals aren't being given enough opportunity to vent their feelings about Kenyon rail station proposals.

They've made a formal complaint to the inquiry Inspector saying running the appeal by Xanadu developers in to Warrington Council's non-determination of station proposals at the same time as the Xanadu inquiries is farcical.

Green's Chris Maile said: "The Green Party are less than happy with the way the Kenyon Station appeal is being handled.

"It looks like being rushed through without any local opportunity for consultation or objection, along with little opportunity for submitting representations from the parties already involved.

"It's making a farce of what is a very serious matter."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.