RIVERSWAY councillors have devised a new way to keep in touch with the residents in their ward.

Labour councillors Marcus Johnstone, Elaine Abbot and Renee Black launched the initiative, dubbed Down Your Way in Mersey Street, Clyde Street and Dart Street.

The 120 houses on the streets have received a copy of Riversway Labour News which has a large tick symbol on the back page.

Anyone who wishes to speak to a councillor simply has to display the tick in the window.

Coun Johnstone said: "People often say they only see councillors at election time so in Riversway we are going to prove that is not the case.

"Unlike the traditional ward surgeries, residents don't even have to leave their house if they want to see us.

"With our Down Your Way initiative, we go to the residents rather than expecting them to come to us."

The Riversway councillors say they will be happy to visit anyone who has a problem, wants an issue taking up or simply want to express their views.

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