THE Welsh Minister, Peter Hain, said recently that the Government ignored its heartland at its peril. This was borne out with the results of the European elections when, in the main, Labour voters stayed at home.

Tony Blair seems to only bother about keeping the middle class voters happy. He needs to remember his socialist roots and address the needs of the working class more.

I have voted Labour all my life, but like many other socialists have become disillusioned with Mr Blair and the Tory policies of his government.

Unless he changes his stance on the single currency, he could find himself out of office come the next general election. Most Socialists and the vast majority of the British people do not want to join the single currency.

William Hague has at last found a policy that catches the mood of the country.

If Mr Blair does not change his stance on this, he will lose thousands and thousands of votes.

The results of the European elections are a warning shot across the bows to Mr Blair and the Government that it cannot take its core support for granted. I hope he heeds the warning.

C WARD (Mrs), Royal Oak Avenue, Blackburn.

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