I WAS absolutely disgusted by the letter from a Buchanan Street resident who was quite willing to pay the £10 permit fee.

I also live in Buchanan Street and it is very rare that we have a problem finding somewhere to park, even if it is at the other end of the street.

Does the resident not like walking? Everyone would like to park in front of their own home but it isn't always possible. Even with a permit it will be a SPACE not necessarily in front of their own house. I have not met anyone yet who is in agreement with the fee.

Everyone pays road and council tax, so why should we pay this, the taxes are enough surely. Why should we have to pay for the right to park in our own street?

The council says the £10 will be frozen for three years and then go up with inflation, so in about 8-10 years time it will probably go up to some impossible figure like £100 and then it will be too late to complain.

They also say the fee is to cover the cost of the road signs etc., but if 90% of residents have cars where will the excess money go, will it go to Wigan like everything else?

All car parks are free in Atherton and you can park almost anywhere. There is nowhere in Wigan borough that I know of where you have to pay to park in your own street.

The parking facilities in Leigh are a joke. Look at the monstrosity being built next to Leigh library. It's supposed to hold 170 cars - not nearly big enough. Why couldn't it have been built on the existing site at the back of the market? It could have had 4-5 storeys and would have solved the problem in one go, or failing that built on Doctor's Nook site which has easier access. Instead money was spent on fancy brick work and iron railings round it. It looks nice but what a waste of money.

Are we being used as guinea pigs to see what our reactions will be? If so, then come on Leythers, get off your backsides and don't be bullied in to paying for something that is yours by right - the right to park in your own street free of charge. Instead of paying £10 it should be free.


Buchanan Street


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