MORECAMBE Football Club will help create sporting history when they become the first team to play in a new £30 million stadium.

The Shrimps have been invited to play Wigan Athletic in the new state-of-the-art Robin Park on Sunday, August 1 in a game which will act as a training exercise for the stadium's officials and stewards.

The invite came from Wigan supremo and JJB Sports chief Dave Whelan in the salubrious surroundings of the Nou Camp stadium as Manchester United clinched their record-breaking treble with victory over Bayern Munich. Whelen is a close business contact of Morecambe director Peter McGuigan and the two discussed the arrangement at the game.

Said Mr McGuigan, who is the chief operating officer of Umbro International: "Wigan had agreed to stage a big opening fixture against a top side but safety officials said it would be a good idea to have a dry run so they could check out their facilities and they asked if Morecambe would be interested. "To have chosen Morecambe is incredible really and obviously we would be delighted to play in a such a fixture."

Admission to the game is £5 for everyone.

"It's the first chance Wigan football and rugby fans will have to see their new home and a large crowd is expected.

Morecambe chairman Rod Taylor said he was delighted with the fixture.

He added: "We are delighted to be involved in such a high profile event and it should be an extremely enjoyable experience for everyone involved with the club."

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