CABINET Minister Dr Jack Cunningham made a swooping visit to Blackpool this week as part of the Government's hard-hitting anti-drugs strategy.

Blackpool South MP Gordon Marsden joined the Labour Minister as he met former addicts and their helpers, including project director Finuala Daly, on Tuesday (June 22) at the New Start Trust which aims to assist local people with drug problems reintegrate into society.

Speaking on his visit to the Talbot Road centre, Dr Cunningham said: "The work that projects such as New Start do is so important in helping people who are no longer drug addicts rejoin the community as useful members of society.

"The treatment of drug misusers is one of the main focuses of the Government's strategy."

Gordon Marsden added: "Dr Cunningham became aware of the New Step centre following its opening last year by Keith Halliwell and was keen to see for himself the work done there.

"Blackpool is similar to any large town in the country with its inherent temptations to misuse drugs, but this is accentuated here by the holiday theme and many young people travelling to the resort in the hope of getting holiday work.

"Away from support groups such as family and friends it is easy to fall into the trap and we were very aware a non-judgemental approach is needed."

Dr Cunningham also took the time to meet members of HALT (Helping Addicts with Life skills and Training) before going on to open the Association of Chief Police Officers Drugs Conference at the Stakis Hotel on Wednesday (June 23).

The New Start Trust can be contacted on (01253) 299255 or by calling into the centre at 123 Talbot Road, Blackpool.

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