IT could be the beginning of the end for Lancaster Market.

That's the verdict of leading councillor Jon Barry who says a major rethink is needed to save the city's ailing indoor market.

Cllr Barry claims plans to attract a High Street store to take over a large section of the two-storey building could see small stall holders pushed out.

And, after examining the latest rent arrears and stall letting figures, the Green Party leader says the future look bleak unless something is done.

He said: "Even if we successfully let every stall it's still not enough money to even pay the rent on the building. The appalling decision forced through by Hilton Dawson, Stanley Henig and Co to hand this land over to a private company is now costing us dear. Just eight years ago we had a popular, publicly-owned market but at present the situation looks terrible. They should have listened to what the public and traders wanted. Instead we've got a two-tier building which always looked like it was designed to house a department store."

The plan put forward by officers suggests paying for a feasibility study to look at the possibility of a large retailer taking over 10,000 sq. ft of the modern market building. They suggest a big High Street name would increase knock-on trade for the stall holders.

The Independent group have called for round the table talks with traders to discuss the situation before any decisions are made.

And Cllr Barry added: "I'm very worried that current events could spell the beginning of the end of Lancaster Market. I'm hoping something positive will come out of the meeting in July."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.