IT'S business as usual for Morecambe boss Jim Harvey after signing a new three year contract this week.

The signing ends months of speculation about Harvey's intentions as a contract has been on offer for some time.

The Irishman who steered the Shrimps into the Conference and won all round praise for his management skills on a limited budget signed a deal that would keep him at Christie Park until the year 2002.

Along with Hednesford's John Baldwin, Harvey is already the longest serving manager in the Nationwide Conference and this week he said he was keen to finish the job he has already started and eventually take the Shrimps into the Football League.

Said Harvey: "To be offered a three year contract by the board in this day and age shows tremendous confidence in me and I was delighted to accept their offer. Last season was perhaps the first difficult period for many of us at the club but I think in a way it was good for me because I learned a lot from that disappointment and I think I'm a better person for it."

Talking about the deal chairman Rod Taylor said: "The board have every confidence in Jim and recognise his achievements over the past five years on limited resources.

"We firmly believe he is the man to take us further forward and we are looking forward to working together over the next three years."

Morecambe FC revealed their new Umbro strip this week. They are one of only three teams in the country to be issued with kit made of Vapatech - a material which wicks moisture away from the skin.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.