PEOPLE power has saved the three local swimming pools threatened with closure.

Carnforth, Hornby and Heysham pools look certain to stay open following a last-ditch compromise deal between the city and county councils.

After the Citizen alerted the public to the closure threat, the politicians were inundated with protests from local people incensed at the county council's closure threat.

But a £48,000 rescue package will see the city council operate the pools with the county council acting as landlords.

The school pools are well used by the community and local campaigners say they are delighted that all three have been saved.

One Heysham campaigner said: "It's brilliant news and shows what people power can do. We had fantastic support from everyone we approached. All the community got involved and stuck posters in their windows. I use the pool on Saturdays and Tuesday evenings. I'm really pleased that they will be staying open."

Independent Leader, Cllr Tricia Heath, said: "The MBI's made a commitment to the people of this area to save these pools and we are delivering on our promise. The pools are used by a wide range of people in our community, especially in rural areas like Carnforth and Hornby, and we were determined to keep them open. We envisage that the cost to the city council would be in the region of £48,000 and we think it is worth it to keep these excellent facilities open."

Morecambe MP Geraldine Smith was delighted by the "common sense" proposal and said she thought it would have cross party support on the council. She commented: "It shows that when the people put pressure on politicians it can pay off. I had hundreds of letters and a petition with 5,000 names on it. I'm just glad it looks like it has all paid off."

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