BURY'S retail renaissance continues with the good news that £1 million is being invested in the town's popular Littlewoods store.

The money is part of a £31.5 million cash injection being made by the company in its high street store operation nationwide. The investment programme for Bury will be centred on the Littlewoods store in The Mall, within the Mill Gate centre.

Cash will be spent on a radical refurbishment of the store and the introduction of special customer browser units for Index Extra, the company's direct catalogue.

"The move reinforces our commitment towards improving our retail environment," explained Greg Ball, marketing director. The new development will enable customers to purchase Berkertex clothing in store. Big brand names, top designer fashions and a wide range of goods for the home can be ordered with delivery direct to the store or to the home.

Soft lighting, warm interior colours and the use of natural woods are just some of the features to be used to improve the interior of the Bury store.

The shop will be re-designed to provide what Littlewoods say will be an "uncluttered, comfortable and easy-to-shop environment".

Work is due to start within the next few weeks and the company anticipates the refitting process will be completed by early September, in preparation for Christmas.

"We are delighted Bury will benefit from this investment," commented store manager Amanda Beale.

"The new store will be more inviting with spacious changing rooms and staff will also be specially trained to further improve customer relations," she added.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.