STRAP yourselves in for a rollercoaster ride against Dewsbury on Sunday.

That's the message from Leigh coach Ian Millward as he prepares his side for a major title battle.

"Make no mistake about it, this is a big, big game for both clubs as we both chase Hull KR at the top of the Northern Ford Premiership," said the Leigh boss.

"We've got over a poor second half at Hunslet and hit back with three wins in a row for outright second place.

"Dewsbury had a hiccup last Sunday when they lost to Widnes who are another team who seem to be running into some consistent form.

"Dewsbury are the third leading points scorers in the division and we are the top - so it's all set up for a top class clash at Hilton Park."

Millward has the utmost respect for Dewsbury and their coach Neil Kelly.

But he has spent this week concentrating on his own side, rather than becoming preoccupied with opposition.

"If we get our own ship in order we're capable of turning them over," he said.

"There were many aspects of last week's game at York I was particularly pleased with, none more so than our defence which has now conceded only four tries in the last three games.

"There are a couple of areas I want to sharpen up. But I'm sure by the time kick-off arrives we'll be ready to give it a real go.

"We've lost only one game at home all season and it would be good to get a really big crowd behind us and cheer us home.

"That's the sort of thing that can make a big difference in a tight match. You only have to look back to the Hull KR win to see what a brilliant atmosphere can do for the team."

Leigh's major injury worry is loose-forward and skipper Andy Fairclough who retired after just 19 minutes at York with a shoulder injury.

"He is going to need an intensive week's treatment to get him right," added Millward. "But I'm confident he'll make it."

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