BRAVE teenager, Laura O'Reilly looks a million dollars in her brand new wardrobe - and it's all thanks to the generosity of local charity, Helen Marie Friends.

Fifteen-year-old Laura, from Farm Road, Clock Face, discovered she had a malignant tumour in her chest 18 months ago and since then, the plucky youngster has had to cope with major surgery and seven debilitating courses of chemotherapy.

Her mum, Linda told the Star: "Laura is an inspiration to us because she just gets on with things and tries not to let it get her down. I don't think I would have coped but for her attitude."

The family first had an inkling of Laura's illness soon after her 13th birthday in August ,1997 when she complained of pains in her chest. However, doctors put this down to a muscle injury and sent her home with painkillers. However, the pain didn't go away and following sessions with a physiotherapist, she was given a chest x-ray in November when the tumour was discovered.

Linda added: "When they told us, we were devastated. Laura had to have immediate surgery at Alder Hey Hospital to remove the tumour. For a while, it was touch and go whether she would make it at all, but she has and despite the fact that she still has to have chemotherapy, she seems to be settling down to it now."

However, the illness took its toll and Laura lost four stone in weight which meant that all her clothes became too big for her. But thanks to a generous grant of £200 from Helen Marie Friends, she has been able to buy new clothes and is back enjoying school life at St Peter and Paul's High School in Widnes where she is taking her GCSEs.

Marjorie Hurst, founder of Helen Marie Friends, said: "When we heard about Laura's illness, we were pleased to help out in anyway. She is such a brave kid considering everything she has been through. We hope it boosts her confidence.

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