THE outlook is brilliant with Brighter Borough upgrades approved in many areas.

Funding applications authorized by the Council's Policy and Resources Committee include cash towards tree planting and fencing in Plank Lane, Leigh and refurbishing the Church Street gardens.

Footpath and pond clearance work is being done in partnership with The Spinney at Hag Fold, Atherton.

Play area improvements at Atherton St George's Infants' school and support for Atherton Festival shop decorations plus Dorset Road Community Centre and a prize for the Risk Management Group questionnaire have also been sanctioned.

Tyldesley's Rowe Street residents are to get surfacing and fencing next to their homes and there'll be a clean-up day along the old railway line in Tyldesley East.

Borsdane Community Shop in Hindley will benefit and help for an ambulance turning area is pledged for Wigan and Leigh Hospice.

In Golborne local councillors have voted for a summer flavour backing lamppost planters and flowers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.