HAVING just received from my sister your account of the 1927 eclipse (LET, July 3), I thought you might be interested to know that Bertha Warren, who is to recall her memories of it on TV, has two sisters, who also remember the event.

I am 94 and my youngest sister will be 84 in September.

I went to the top of St James' Road in Blackburn to watch it and we had a wonderful sight of it.

I also have written my reminiscences of the First World War and my school days at Cedar Street School from 1910 to 1918.

I still have my last report from the Higher Elementary School at Blakey Moor in 1919.

I would think it is unique for three sisters to remember the eclipse of 1927.

GLADYS SPOONER (Mrs) (ne Walsh, formerly of Boland Street, Bastwell, Blackburn), Walden Avenue, Doncaster.

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