REGARDING your article 'Call for extra policing" (LET, July 15), the redoubtable Sam Spence's call for this is indeed merited.

As chairman of the Bank Top Community Association in Blackburn, I have met the police to discuss these matters on several occasions. But the problem for the policing of our areas lie with the police force being now grossly underfunded by the Government.

I have also talked at length with Inspector Mike Simmons, who was mentioned in your article, and he is greatly concerned about crime and drugs becoming ever more prevalent within the Bank Top Ward and I can assure Mr Spence he is addressing these issues with the priority they deserve.

However, until the people of our area are prepared to band together in co-operation with both the police and local groups to tackle problems, we will continue to lose the battle. But all is not lost, for the members of the Bank Top Community Association are in constant touch with the grossly underfunded police.

I therefore call on our own MP and Home Secretary Jack Straw, to readdress the Labour Government's policies on these matters and to contact and arrange to meet the concerned parties.

P NEWTON (Chairman, Bank Top Community Association), Ashworth Close, Blackburn.

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