I FEEL like a man, who, on reading his obituary, said that reports of his demise were much exaggerated.

Astley Residents Action Group is a little disappointed that Wigan felt they had no alternative but to approve outline planning consent for the development of Tyldesley Rugby Club.

We don't feel that we lost the battle. On the contrary, we won much sympathy and important concessions from the planning committee. At this stage a fairer analysis might just be a score draw.

Reports of bulldozers on Well Street by August could also be well wide of the mark. One of the conditions of the outline consent is that the new facilities are up and running before any development can take place on the old site. In addition, Peel Developments still have to obtain clean title to parts of Well Street which is privately owned.

Nothing would please us more than to see Tyldesley Rugby Club flourish on its present site and we will do what we can to support them if they decide to seek Lottery funding to improve current facilities.

Meanwhile, support for our cause continues to be fantastic; morale is high; we already have pledges of substantial financial aid and are now preparing to consult with our legal team.

Finally, I would like to publicly thank the Wigan Planning Committee, particularly Stephen Hellier, for the fair hearing, their work on this application so far, and the work yet to come.

Peter Paddon


Astley Residents Action Group

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