SIMON Grayson could be satisfied with his first League game in a Rovers shirt but, while he enjoyed his own individual contribution, he acknowledged the problems the team are going to face.

And he believes they need to show more patience to produce the kind of quality that can make the difference.

"Obviously the result should have been a bit better, but it's always difficult in games like that. The expectancy level is high, which we know because we are favourites to go up," he said.

"We should go up, but teams are going to come here and use this as a cup final every game.

"They defended well and we couldn't break them down.

"In games like that you need to get an early goal and we just couldn't do it.

"As the game goes on we start trying to force things, whereas we should be a little bit more patient. The crowd grow a little impatient and they (Port Vale) grow in confidence by keeping a clean sheet.

"It all accumulates to everything not going right for us. "But we are going to have to expect this nearly every game this season, especially at home, and we have to be more patient in the final third and create a few more chances.

"It is difficult and, apart from the first 10 minutes of the second half when we were a bit sloppy, we never looked like we were ever going to concede a goal.

"But we didn't look like we were going to score goals. We were shooting from outside the box, whereas we should have maybe been trying to get round the back of them to get into better positions.

"Obviously the pressure is on us to go out and win every game. The crowd expect that and we expect it ourselves."

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