GEORGE Slynn's suggested team picked from post-war Rovers' sides (LET Sports Letters, Tuesday, August 10) would indeed have taken some beating.

It had all the hallmark of a brilliant team and I just couldn't fault it having seen the players myself.

I notice three players of the present era are included - Shearer, Sutton, and as sub Gallacher.

It would also be very interesting to know how the present Blackburn team would fare against an exiled side - ie Flowers, Berg, Le Saux, Batty, Hendry, Sherwood, Sellars, Sutton, Shearer, Slater, Bohinen. Subs: Dahlin, Andersson, Donis and Pearce.

It makes you wonder.

K SOWERBUTTS (Mr), Southwood Drive, Baxenden.

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