A BAN on a Sunday League player who was cleared by the Football Association has been welcomed by an opposition club.

Norrie Doogan, 33, of Berkeley Crescent, Padiham, captain of Lowerhouse pub team Lane Ends A, was convicted at a retrial at Burnley Crown Court of punching an opponent in a Burnley and District Sunday League game against the Woodman pub team.

He was ordered to do 40 hours community service and to pay victim Howard Juriansz £750 compensation.

The newspaper distribution manager thought he would be in for a possible lifetime ban from the game he loves when he appeared at a Lancashire FA disciplinary board last week.

Despite the court decision, he was cleared by the FA and was looking forward to last weekend's first game of the season.

But in a surprise move on Friday, Doogan was told his registration had not been accepted by the League.

The footballer, who has always protested his innocence, is now appealing against that decision.

A spokesman for the Woodman club said they were entirely behind the league decision.

The spokesman said: "We could not believe it when he was not banned by the FA, especially in view of his conviction by the court.

"Our player was invited to the hearing but we were not asked to send witnesses.

"The FA said they were not aware of his conviction. But the hearing had been held back pending the outcome of the court case.

"Originally they suspended the player but then withdrew the ban saying it would be unfair until the decision of the court was known.

"We are due to meet in the league in three weeks time. I am not looking forward to that if he is allowed to play.''

A spokesman for Lancashire FA refused to comment saying: "We don't discuss any cases whatsoever."

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