THE Conservative group on Hyndburn Council is considering a radical overhaul of its committee structure in order to concentrate on issues including road safety, improving the borough's markets and cleaning up the streets.

A source close to the council today revealed that council leader Peter Britcliffe is considering a reshuffle of his committee vice-chairmen and the possible creation of new committees.

The shake-up could see Independent councillor Adrian Shurmer, currently vice-chairman of environmental services, moved into a new role where he could have more involvement with road safety.

Coun Shurmer ousted former council leader George Slynn in Netherton Ward, Great Harwood, having campaigned against the council's controversial traffic-calming policy.

The Conservative group, which swept to power in May, has already announced plans to delegate power to individual towns in a bid to give people more of a say in the way the council is run.

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