A CALL has been made for a Tory councillor to resign from a key role on Blackburn with Darwen Racial Equality Council because of her involvement in a £22,000 job row.

Coun Edna Arnold was chairman of the selection panel which offered Labour Coun Mohammed Khan the job - even though he was already chairman of the body.

And despite the rumpus, which has seen Coun Khan resign as both chairman of the REC and Blackburn with Darwen Council's housing committee, Coun Arnold remains panel chairman.

Coun Dave Hollings, a Darwen Labour councillor, has also resigned his top council job because he was part of the panel which offered Coun Khan the job, despite being his deputy chairman of housing.

Darwen Liberal Democrat Coun David Foster said: "We think she should resign from her position. I was absolutely amazed to discover she had been re-appointed to the role.

"The fact that this has happened while there was an investigation going on into this affair beggars belief

"I wonder just how seriously the Blackburn with Darwen REC is taking all this. We want to see an effective REC that works to bring communities together.

"The organisations needs to have credibility. At least the other two councillors involved have resigned."

Tory group leader Coun Colin Rigby said Blackburn Conservative Association will meet tonight to discuss the affair.

Earlier this week, Labour Coun Michael Barrett resigned as secretary of Rossendale and Darwen Labour party.

He had passed on a motion from the Executive Committee of the party that further action should be taken against Couns Khan and Hollings.

But he had to leave his position when he was the victim of a vote of no confidence from party colleagues.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.