I CANNOT believe it is more than 12 months ago that you published my appeal for a million people to donate 20 pence to a fund I had set up specifically for the land purchase of the 'Only Foals and Horses' Sanctuary at Oswaldtwistle.

What an absolutely wonderful response!

One year on, this fund is about to reach £20,000 - the equivalent of 100,000 twenty pences! I would like to thank everyone concerned and ask if they would please be willing to continue.

The lease on the sanctuary land has been extended to January 31 and the co-ordinator, Mrs Olive Lomas, has received the offer of a 50 per cent low-interest repayment loan. Along with the money realised, it leaves a balance of £75,000 to be raised (or loaned) in order to secure the land. In light of recent reports of other fund-raisings, this can be achieved. Let's do it!

The Co-operative Bank in Church Street, Blackburn, is happy to accept donations.

Unfortunately some Land Purchase fund boxes have been stolen and I would advise readers not to give to anyone making door-to-door, street or pub collections with these boxes.

Anyone wishing to make a donation should make cheques payable to AWLN, OFAH, Land Purchase Fund and forward them to me. On behalf of all the animals, thank-you!

SYLVIA SOLTAU (Mrs), 7 Billinge Avenue, Blackburn. BB2 6SD.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.