A SOLDIER said to have attacked a hospital security officer faces the loss of his army career.

Richard Alan Law, 22, currently on sick leave after being shot in the leg, used "colourful language" towards nursing staff when he turned up at Burnley General Hospital and allegedly punched a security guard after being asked to leave, the town's magistrates heard.

The court heard Law had an exemplary service record, but was "highly likely" to be discharged from the Duke of Wellington Regiment after getting a criminal conviction.

Law, of Bedford Street, Todmorden, admitted assaulting Michael Boothman, causing actual bodily harm.

He was fined £200 with £250 compensation and £55 costs.

Trevor Grice, defending, said Law, who had been drinking, went to visit his sister in hospital outside permitted times.

He was told by nurses he could not see her, did not like it and used "colourful language."

The defendant was then confronted by security staff and claimed the guard was aggressive towards him and pushed him.

Law, who was on crutches, was in no position to throw a punch, as he could not.

He pushed the guard's radio away and it hit the officer in the face. It was not a punch and Law did not intend to injure the complainant.

Mr Grice added if Law was discharged from the army, his chances in the employment market would be severely hampered by his criminal conviction.

He added the defendant expressed genuine remorse and behaved out of character.

Law was currently at home on sick leave and had also been suffering depression.

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