PUPILS across East Lancashire were today jumping for joy after collecting a crop of excellent GCSE results.

Pupils of all abilities at Hollins County High School, Accrington, managed to improve their school's results on last year.

Headteacher Frank Havard said: "We are absolutely delighted for all our pupils, whatever level they have achieved. School intakes vary year on year, and this year our intake was of a lower ability, but despite starting at a disadvantageous position we have still managed to improve our results which I think shows the dedication and hard work of staff and pupils and the support of parents."

Alasdair Coates, headteacher at St Christopher's CE High School said: "I want to congratulate all the achievements of the pupils of which exams play a big part. Pupils who have done their best can enjoy the fruits of their work."

Gena Merrett, headteacher at Norden High School, said: "For the second year running we have passed the LEA targets set for us for the precentage of pupils achieving five or more A-C grades and for the first time we have passed the targets set for those pupils achieving five or more A-G grades and one or more A-G grades."

Girls at Westholme School, Blackburn, picked up an amazing set of results with 100 per cent of pupils gaining a minimum of five GCSEs at grades A-C.

Four pupils gained 10 A*s and another 22 picked up 10 As each.

Headteacher Lilian Croston said: "I want to congratulate pupils, staff and parents on their hard work which has brought success beyond measure."

Nationally the results were the best ever, with a 1.1 per cent increase on last year in candidates obtaining grades A*-C, and the percentage of A* and A grades awarded increased by 0.5 per cent.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.