A SCHOOLBOY is organising a charity football match as a fitting tribute to his pal who died last month.

Blackburn Beardwood High School pupil Omar Anayat, 15, wants to raise money for Pendlebury Children's Hospital, Manchester, where his pal Mahboob Hussain died after a short illness.

Mahboob, who was also 15, was a keen soccer player and Omar believes the game between Blackburn United Under 15s and a select team from Beardwood High on October 12 will be a suitable memorial.

Omar, who lives in Blackburn, is organising the game as part of his year 11 personal challenge project. He said he was hoping some Kosovar children who had recently started at Beardwood could play in the match. He said: "Mahboob was a friend and he will be missed by all.

"I am hoping to raise funds from businesses and people I know. I hope everyone at school, including students and teachers, can support me with this cause and help me make it a success."

Headteacher Roger Eckton said: "The school is giving its full support. Significant cash contributions have already been received from the Ethnic Minorities' Development Association (EMDA) and Fasil Cash and Carry in New Bank Road."

Nazmun Usman, the school's community officer, said: "I am pleased to be able to help and support Omar's sensitive but commendable personal challenge as it is a true reflection on him and the kind of pupils we have at Beardwood.

"With the excellent preparatory work done by Omar, I am sure the event will go well."

Donations to the appeal, made payable to Beardwood School, should be sent to Mrs Usman, the school's community officer, or telephone her on 01254 614988.

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