THE headstone at the grave of Titanic bandmaster Wallace Hartley is to be renovated.

Plans are in the pipeline to replace lost leaded lettering on the engraved stone in Colne Cemetery, with the help of donations from the public.

The work will be carried out with the approval of Hartley's family and the Titanic Society, which is keen to see sites connected to the ill-fated liner restored and kept in good condition.

Colne librarian and expert on the Titanic, Darran Ward, said: "Over the years some of the lead lettering on the headstone has fallen out and gone missing. There's also a stain on the stone which needs to be cleaned up.

"Obviously the work needs to be done professionally so that no damage is caused to the stone and it is likely to be quite expensive."

A private fund has been set up to help cover the cost and the Titanic Society has been approached to see if it can contribute. The fund was started with a £100 donation from American Jean Martin when she visited an exhibition at Colne Library dedicated to Wallace Hartley.

The exhibition runs until the end of January. Mr Ward hopes people will make voluntary donations either during the exhibition or at the many talks on the Titanic he leads.

Mr Ward has spoken with Hartley's second cousin Doris Stevens, of Brierfield, and she is delighted at the idea of restoring the headstone.

A suggestion his grave could be better signposted within the cemetery is also being considered.

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