PHOTOGRAPHS of convicted house burglars in Burnley are to be circulated in a "name and shame'' campaign, after the launch of a new anti-crime scheme.

Burnley suffers more house burglaries than any other town in Lancashire with the worst affected areas being Burnley Wood, Stoneyholme and Daneshouse.

The publication of photographs of burglars in those areas is just part of the new campaign in the fight against crime.

The Burglary Safe multi-partnership initiative was launched when the boss of the Pennine Police Division Chief Supt Mike Griffin promised burglars "You're nicked''.

He said: "With this initiative we have a very strong partnership of people who can combine to tackle the problem on burglary in these areas.

"We will be aiming to make changes not only for the short time but for the future.''

The campaign involves the police, council, probation, youth justice, fire and rescue services, drugs teams from the Communicare health trust, youth and community services together with residents and local groups. Under the scheme, every burglary victim will be offered the chance to have security improved free of charge. Additional support will also be available for victims. Private landlords and owners of unoccupied homes will be able to get temporary sophisticated alarm systems installed at a much reduced cost.

Drug abusers who are committing crimes to get drugs will be given help to free themselves of the habit and known offenders will be targeted.

The fire service will work with youth groups in a bit to stop empty houses being attacked.

And the Dordrecht scheme aimed at helping criminals to stop re-offending will be extended.

The youth justice and youth service teams will start new programmes in efforts to divert young people away from crime.

Street lighting will be improved, particular in back streets, and efforts will be made to introduce "alley gates'' to stop criminals getting access to the rear of homes.

Funding has been provided by the Home Office crime reduction programme, Reducing Burglary.

Chief Supt Griffin added: "We are serving notice on the burglars in these areas. We intend doing everything in our power to stop burglaries not only in these areas but throughout Burnley."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.