PLANS to provide a further 25 recycling sites across Pendle by the beginning of December have been unveiled.

Pendle Council is providing the extra sites as part of its commitment to cutting the amount of waste normally destined for landfill as part of its Recycling Environmental Action in Pendle (REAP) scheme.

It will bring the total number of recycling sites in the borough to almost 40.

The new sites will cater for a combination of textiles, glass and cans.

Bryan Thompson, the council's principal waste management officer, said: "The reducing of waste is becoming a very serious issue for all local authorities as the number of landfill sites is limited.

"The council is committed to reducing waste for landfill and is pleased to be able to provide more recycling facilities for local people."

Coun Alison Brewer, chairman of the authority's waste management group, added: "I would urge local people to use the new sites. It will cut the council's bill for landfill which is not only important for the environment but also for the council's finances."

The REAP scheme, launched at the beginning of August, provides 2,000 households in Earby and Reedley with free compost bins for garden and kitchen waste and different coloured bags for regular collections of cans and paper.

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