SINCE deciding to sponsor a child overseas, I find that the rivers of living water are flowing again as a million prayers are said for the destitute and starving Third World people.

Save another's life by giving them an assured future.

The cost is £12 per month - equivalent to buying one compact disc every four weeks. Is it asking too much to ask our youth and young adults to think about raising a child this way, before starting as one-parent families in this country?

Not that I am against 'saving' a one-parent family here, for my own concern is for the upbringing of children in this country (and/or sponsoring one abroad).

With two nieces and a deep desire for children myself, the responsibility of providing for one abroad is a mature response to the tears of every child.

Compact discs are not the only luxury that can be forgone - cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, TV, the hairdresser, beauty salon, bookies, jewellery - What price a life?

Will you sponsor a child? Will you save the human race?

BARRY WALSH, Calgary Avenue, Lammack, Blackburn.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.