A WEBWISE window cleaner is hoping the internet will help him up the ladder to success.

Nicholas Alston-Hindle, 38, who washes windows in the Pleasington area, Blackburn, is planning to clean up by promoting himself on the net.

He said: "My friend put me on as a bit of a joke - I'm advertised as offering 'a top service specialising in window cleaning for the rich and famous'."

Nicholas lives in a static caravan at Withnell Barn Farm, Withnell, and believes he is the first window cleaner in the North West to advertise his services on the internet.

His friend Mark Bowden put his details on a national site dedicated to window cleaners - www.scrimcity.co.uk.

Scrim is the type of Irish linen used by window cleaners and by chance Nicholas' pet terrier Scrimmer is also named after it.

He said: "I have been cleaning windows for 22 years and I still believed in the horse and cart until, as a gift, a good friend, Mark Bowden, put me on the net.

" I haven't had any new business flooding in, but at least I'm ready for the twenty first century now."

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