AT Easter the shops are full of cards depicting adorable, newly-born ducklings by rivers and ponds in the countryside.

Unfortunately, this idyllic spring-time image bears no resemblance to the filthy, unnatural conditions which real-life ducklings have to endure.

The vast majority are reared on cruel factory farms where they will suffer from the moment they are born.

In the wild, ducklings love to swim, dive, clean and play in water.

Not on the farm -- these babies are separated from their mothers and imprisoned in squalid, overcrowded sheds where they will never see water, except in their drinkers.

Deprived of this most fundamental requirement, they find it hard to keep warm and may develop eye problems and even blindness.

Up to 10,000 birds are crammed into one shed. In such overcrowded conditions, injuries and disease go unnoticed and many birds become sick and die. Others are pushed on to their backs, where, unable to right themselves, they are left to starve to death.

Supermarkets are happy to profit from this brutal trade. Please help to give ducks back their freedom by refusing to buy this meat.

If you'd like to support this campaign to end duck farming and slaughter then please contact Viva! 12 Queen Square, Brighton, BN1 3FD. Tel: 01273 777688.

A EDWARDS, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.