I WOULD have thought that any bus station, irrespective of size and importance, should provide adequate public toilets as a basic amenity.

But Blackburn Council in their misguided and illogical wisdom have closed their facilities on the Boulevard permanently, I understand.

Would-be users are greeted by a nonchalantly dismissive notice advising them to use alternative toilets in Market Avenue -- a return trip of some 400 yards.

Quite a trek if you 'can't wait' or you have a connection to make.

Is it any wonder that many of the old bus shelters stank of urine -- do we want a return to this?

Over the last 20 or so years, many public conveniences in the borough have been closed and demolished.

Indeed, the toilets just inside the main gate to Corporation Park have been closed for many months -- why? How on earth can we expect city status when we fail to provide such basic, necessary facilities.

P WOODS, Knowsley Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn.