I WAS surprised to read (LET, April 26) that two teenagers were upset because they were unable to obtain insurance for their gopeds (motorised foot cycles).

Why don't they ride on the pavement? -- like the one who nearly bowled me over, hurtling up the pavement on Church Street at about 15mph on a busy Friday morning a couple of weeks ago.

Will someone inform me when we pedestrians (excuse the dirty word) can get insurance, as using feet to get around is so dangerous and so old fashioned now?

We have to negotiate people on roller blades, cyclists (minus brakes and bells, of course) and now gopeds.

I feel 'gopeheads' is a more apt name for us who use our legs to get around town -- for putting up with it. But we have no choice.

E WHIPP, The Crescent, Cherry Tree, Blackburn.