I AM privileged to have been working with the volunteers in our 26 Oxfam shops in the Lancashire area for the last 19 years.

I have met hundreds of men and women who really enjoy mixing with people, serving customers and who have a real commitment to help people who live in poverty overseas.

The work they do really does change people's lives and I would personally like to thank them all.

Just four hours of time as a volunteer in an Oxfam shop was enough to pay for food for nine children for a week after they were flooded out of their homes in Mozambique. During National Volunteers Week, starting on Thursday, please visit your local shop, meet the team there and find out how you can be a part of this. Volunteering for Oxfam really is time well spent.

PAULINE BARSTOW, Regional Volunteering Manager (North), Oxfam, Mornington Villas, Bradford.