OVERSEAS producers are squealing over UK advertisements promoting British pork -- ones that show a sow suckling her young under the slogan "After she's fed them, she could be fed to them." And that is a fact -- as some European farmers are still allowed to feed meat and bonemeal to pigs.

But while it may be that the Meat and Livestock Commission, behind this campaign, is more concerned with the interests of British pork producers struggling against competition from Europe than with the well-being of pigs, shoppers here would do well to support it.

To begin with, were not the dreadful dangers of 'cannibal' animal food spelled out by the Mad Cow disease crisis? It is amazing the practice is still allowed anywhere.

Also, Europe's farms keep many pigs in concentration-camp conditions that are not allowed here -- so why support this cruelty when you shop? And why not support UK farms in any case?

For the sake of safe animal husbandry, better animal welfare and helping our hard-hit farmers, we would do well to let Europe's pig farmers squeal unless they mend their ways.