TIME is running out for hundreds of local firms who face being brought to book over new rules.

The Environment Agency in the North West has launched a major offensive against companies who have not complied with the new packaging waste regulations. Nine companies have been successfully prosecuted this year alone.

The regulations cover companies which have a turnover of £2million or more and handle over 50 tonnes of "any" packaging per year.

Companies which meet these criteria must recover and recycle a proportion of the waste handled, through incineration, composting or reprocessing. Steve Simmonite, a packaging waste specialist with Manchester-based business advisers KPMG, explained: "A company has two options for meeting its obligations -- it can 'go it alone' and register directly with the EA or it can take the slightly easier route of registering with a compliance scheme which will then undertake all the necessary actions on a company's behalf.

" I understand there are currently 20 companies in the advance stage of prosecution. Everything therefore points to a very urgent need to be registered with the EA or a compliance scheme as soon as possible."

The date for registration with the EA has now passed but it is still possible to join a compliance scheme and meet any responsibilities under the regulations.

"While you might expect supermarkets or fast food stores to be included under the regulations, it is surprising who else is affected. Football clubs, garden centre and mail order companies are starting to realise they need to comply, as are promotional gift companies for example -- they send out reps with merchandise but are still responsible for all the packaging waste that this creates.