I WROTE last year about the once-proud BBC providing the best coverage of live sport.

Yet on May 20, FA Cup Final day, amazingly there was no Grandstand programme due to there being "no live sport to show."

I find this absolutely unbelievable.

The only two major live tournaments that the BBC can come up with are two weeks of Wimbledon (but without Des Lynam, as he's gone to the other side) and The Open golf.

I feel it's only a matter of time before Sky and ITV gobble up these two and soon Grandstand, in my opinion, will cease to exist due to the money-making TV channels like Sky.

Frank Bough, Ken Wolstenholme, David Coleman etc, must be sick as parrots at what is happening at the BBC. Then to 20 years ago, they were the best. Now, soon Grandstand could just be a memory.

M HIBBERT, Ivan Street, Burnley.