A DRUG addicted thief whose exploits were 'doomed to failure' was found with a pair of scissors taped up when he was stopped.

Burnley magistrates heard how Peter Wright, 33, had previously been kidnapped for some time in "most unpleasant circumstances" and carried the scissors for defence rather than offence purposes.

Wright, of Rhoda Street, Nelson, admitted three counts of theft and having an offensive weapon in public. He was put on probation for two years and must pay £110 costs, after the bench said he had spent two weeks in custody.

Mike Cunningham, prosecuting, said Wright stole the contents of a handbag and was seen on video taking a telephone from a shop. While on bail, he went stealing in Asda and was chased from the store and arrested. The defendant, whose actions had been doomed to failure, had 24 previous convictions. Geoff Ireland, defending, said the aggravating features of the case were that Wright was on probation, although not in breach and offended while on bail. The motivation for the offences was drugs.

Wright's brother died in February, found at the bottom of a staircase and a coroner had recorded an open verdict. That had caused a great deal of upset to the defendant, who looked up to his brother and he was very confused.

He could probably benefit from some bereavement counselling. Wright's drug problem had become worse after his brother had died and probation would also help him, if he was given that chance.

Wright was kidnapped last year in unpleasant circumstances and the scissors were for defence, rather than offence purposes.

Mr Ireland added the defendant, father of a daughter aged eight, had a family which needed him and had had some punishment as he had been in custody. The court faced the stark choice of either custody or giving the defendant a further chance on probation.