A POORLY young girl who captured the hearts of the local community is off to make a splash with dolphins in Florida.

The once-in-a-lifetime journey has finally become a reality for Emma Berman, who suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy, after local people raised more than £10,000 to pay for treatment at the word-famous Dolphin Therapy Centre in Key Largo, Miami.

The youngster, of Polefield Hall Road in Prestwich, jets out with mum Juliet and brothers Daniel (10) and Thomas (7) on June 16, the day before her 13th birthday. Emma, a pupil at Elms Bank High School in Whitefield, has been severely disabled since contracting meningitis at five months old and her mum set up the Emma Berman Dolphin Fund two years ago after reading about the amazing dolphin therapy.

Everyone from Brownies to bowlers rallied round to help reach the total and fund-raising events have included the Three Peaks Challenge of Snowdon, Scafell and Ben Nevis scaled by a Scout group from Heaton Park where Emma is a Guide and her brothers are Cubs.

"I am really nervous about the trip but it will be brilliant," said Mrs Berman, who works for disabled charity Hurdles.

"I can't really believe that it is actually happening after all this time. Emma doesn't understand what is going on and she has been quite bad lately so it is a good time to go." She explained that a timetable has been drawn up for Emma's fortnight's stay in Key Largo which sets a range of physical tasks, such as making specific sounds, which will help improve her communication. The reward for progress will be to swim with the dolphins.

The family will then enjoy a holiday in Orlando before returning home.

Mrs Berman added: "My friend's son had the treatment but it doesn't work for everyone. It would be out of this world if she was to speak but any improvement will be good. Even if it doesn't work it will be an experience for her and I will know that at least I tried."