IT came as no surprise that Mr David J. Kemp (May 26) responded to my letter about the state of Lower Gigg.

After all it was he who, instead of taking it up beforehand with his Redvales councillors or council officer, wrote directly to the leader of the Conservative Group on the council. This councillor then read the letter to a meeting of full council, an unprecedented move, only hours after the relevant committee chairman first knew anything of the existence of this letter.

I wonder if this was an opportunistic political move?

However, I certainly welcome his endeavours over the past few months since he moved into the Gigg Lane area and I hope he gets an answer to his letter to the builders who own this land. In my experience, their only concern has been to bulldoze the area and leave mounds of soil. This was after my letter to them two years ago and when they feared travellers might move on to the land.

I appreciate Mr Kemp's mention of my personal help over the three years of my involvement and also that of the council's environmental department.


Brookdene Road, Bury.