RESIDENTS in Burnley have vowed to fight on to make their area a Mac Free Zone.

Householders on the new Merton Park development at Trafalgar are furious over Burnley Council's decision to grant planning permission for a £1million drive-through McDonald's restaurant near their homes.

The development control committee, which originally threw out the plan following fears of traffic hazard sand nuisance to nearby properties, gave the go-ahead two weeks ago when the fast-food giant lodged a new application.

But householders on the newly developed site of the former Trafalgar flats complex held a public meeting to underline their continued concern over the plan for the former Hop pub site.

Residents said there would be noise, fumes and traffic problems and voiced concern over the effect the restaurant would have on the value of their properties.

The meeting in the Vanguard Community Centre heard local councillors Martine Winder and Tony Lambert advise householders to send protest letters to the Government North West planning officer.

Both councillors pledged their support and offered assistance to objectors.

Residents' leader Audrey Thornton of Bevington Road, which backs on to the proposed site at the busy junction of Burnham Gate and Trafalgar Street said: "The council have put the commercial interests of an international company before the needs and wishes of the local community."

McDonald's says the 85-seater restaurant will create 60 new jobs.