IT might be quiet on the Bury FC front but one man at Gigg Lane is as busy as ever writes PHIL THORP.

Groundsman Mike Curtis has been busy taking advantage of the break in the Rugby League season to do some remedial work to the overworked playing area in readiness for the big soccer kick-off in August.

"We've put 50 ton of rootzone on the surface then hollow-cored it before approximately 10 bags of seed were sown," explained Mike.

"Now we're putting on a conditioner to help the roots establish themselves.

"But with all the rain we've had the grass just isn't growing quickly enough at the moment."

Mike is also quick to point out that no more sand has been added to the surface which was once the envy of every club in the country.

Next season plans are in place for the Shakers to play some reserve fixtures at non-league Radcliffe Borough and Ramsbottom United.

Manchester United are set to continue to use Gigg Lane for some of their Pontin's League games.