PROPOSALS TO build a massive housing estate would create a blot on the landscape and extend the urban sprawl between Colne and Nelson, councillors were warned.

Beazer Homes wants to build 201 homes on 8.8 hectares of greenfield land off Knotts Lane, Colne.

Pendle Council's Colne area committee put a decision on the controversial scheme on hold until planners have carried out a study of all the potential housing sites in Pendle. It is expected to take between three and six months.

This follows a change in housing policy by the Government, which wants to see previously developed, or brownfield sites, built on before fields.

Local resident Bryan Ashworth, told the committee: "I feel it would be a great shame if more houses were built in that area. This would put a blot on the landscape.

"The plans show the houses would be crushed and huddled together in a very small amount of space.

"I hope this committee will preserve Colne and preserve what we all like about it."

Mr Ashworth said the plans showed a link road through the estate ending in a dead end at the Nelson end of the site, which suggested the estate could be extended in the future towards Nelson. "I would be very much against the idea that the sprawl will continue," he added.

Council planning officer Andy Wiggett said the question of the link road continuing through to Nelson, if it arose, would be dealt with when Pendle's local plan.