TORY MP Nigel Evans has ridiculed claims by the government that they are not governing the country with spin.

Former supporters of the government have criticised Tony Blair for lacking substance and overdosing on public relations, prompting the Prime Minister to tell his chief spin doctor Alistair Campbell to issue a statement denying the comments.

But Ribble Valley MP Mr Evans said: "This government is ruled by spin, as we in the Conservative party and many others have always said.

"Now that members of the Labour Party are saying what the say, no-one can be in any doubt of the truth of the charge.

"The reason for this revolt is quite simple. People are concerned about the denial of democracy Tony Blair and his cronies have created.

"Members of this government are now frozen out of the decision-making process on the order of Tony Blair so the spin doctors can have their say."

He added: "Tony Blair doesn't trust anyone to do their job apart from his closest friends.

"The fact he uses his tennis partner and chief fund-raiser Lord Levy as his personal foreign envoy demonstrates this.

"It is time for Mr Blair to wake up before everyone deserts him because of his arrogance."