Brothers, sisters, comrades, friends! As briefly as possible this time, Mr Editor!

Comrade Shannon (you don't like the Trade Unionist address 'brother') I have no intention of withdrawing one word of my opinions recently expressed.

Like you, I will try to achieve the aims of the people I represent by democratic and peaceful methods and machinery, if at all possible. Trust me!

It is our enemies, the reactionary forces of the capitalist establishment, who have always broken with constitutional procedures when their own selfish interests were or are seriously threatened.

Look at Spain in 1936, Argentina 1976, Italy 1922, Greece 1967, Indonesia 1965, Fiji and Pakistan today.

The 'law' is for you and I, not for them, to obey. All history proves this to be so, unfortunately for everyone.

Britain has no unique rights to call itself an exception to this rule.

When the old feudal order was threatened in the early 17th century, the English ruling class thought nothing of abolishing parliaments, in the time of King Charles Stuart, with terrible consequences (deservedly) for himself and many of his cronies.

And, 'closer to home', Mrs Thatcher blithely abolished the old GLC in London when Ken Livingstone and the Labour Left kept winning elections for that body.

Please don't lecture me on 'democracy' Comrade Shannon. However, I wholeheartedly agree that the Labour Party is not now the party I have voted for for 30 years, or which the Trades Union movement fought to set up in the early 1900s.

If and when it shatters under the pressure of the virtual sabotage undertaken by Blair, Mandelson, Cook, Straw and co (we do not know for what motives, clearly) it will be the task of all those who call themselves Socialists, or Marxists, to 'pick up the pieces'.

Including, hopefully, yourself Cde Shannon, Patrick or whatsoever you would like to be addressed. History marches onwards.

Then a serious organisation like the original Socialist Labour Party could possibly 'clear the decks' for progress towards a truly democratic, free, socialist society not just in the British Isles but all over the world.

Those who are 'Labour' Labour not 'New' Labour will maybe agree.

Steve Metcalfe

PS This is definitely my last statement on this particular debate, no matter what. I've had enough as well.

Thank the Lord for that! -- Ed